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What is Nexstream Wideband Internet?

Also called fixed wireless Internet, Nexstream Wideband Internet is a type of connection that uses radio signals to deliver high-speed Internet access. Wideband offers several key features and benefits, making it a popular choice for many users. Here are some notable advantages:

Quick Installation

Unlike wired connections that may require extensive cabling and infrastructure setup, Wideband can typically be installed quickly.

Flexibility and Scaleability

Wideband can be deployed in both urban and rural areas, offering flexibility in reaching customers across diverse terrains.

Reduced Dependency on Physical Infrastructure

With Wideband, users can enjoy high-speed connectivity without relying on traditional wired infrastructure like cables or telephone lines. This makes it a viable alternative for areas where laying cables is challenging or cost-prohibitive.

Improved Reliability and Resilience

Our Wideband network is designed to be robust and resilient, offering consistent performance even in adverse weather conditions and provides service with minimal interruptions.

Next Generation Technology

The early iterations of fixed wireless have plenty of drawbacks, and many service providers avoid the equipment upgrades that are necessary to support today’s connectivity needs. Our network is designed from the ground up to maximize today’s latest technology developments and deliver a superior Internet experience to all our customers.

Enhanced Broadband Access

Nexstream Wideband Internet plays a vital role in bridging the digital divide by providing broadband access to underserved and rural areas throughout the Texas Hill Country.

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