Nexstream Hill Country Internet
Developer Resources


Gig+ Internet

Serving Real Estate & Land Developers

Specializing in large scale master planned communities, developments, and municipalities

Serving Land Developers

Every Step of the Way

With our agility & expertise we provide next generation connectivity and technology needs for any community.

As an innovative provider focused on creating remarkable connected experiences and cutting-edge solutions we are able to provide the fastest, most reliable, and most secure internet services to meet the current and future needs of Texas Hill Country residents.

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We work closely with developers to plan a communications infrastructure that will allow for growth
We establish locally serviced secure private networks working alongside builders and utility companies
We maintain community-wide connectivity, providing end-user support and billing
Partnering with Nexstream

What We Do

We are your partner to solve your communication, connectivity, and technology needs including:

Project Management
Network Operation
End User Support
Scalable Processes
Investment Opportunities

Potential Investors

Joint investment opportunities in the construction of the network assets is an attractive proposition for investors and stakeholders.

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Shared financial responsibility and risk

Significant potential returns

Generate additional revenue streams

Advanced value-added services to set your property apart

Exceptional Customer Support
Advanced Top-Tier Security
Network Edge Solutions
Smart Home Integration
Nexstream Network

Gig+ Fiber Internet

The Power Behind Nexstream

We are the Hill Country’s premier regional transport provider with high-capacity circuits, extensive routes, and seamless connectivity across all major regional Tier-1 data centers, carrier networks, and content providers.

High-capacity backbone network built across major long-mile partner networks (LCRA, Fiberlight, Logix, Cogent)
Extensive 400+ mile regional middle-mile network
Path diversity to optimize traffic and minimize service disruption
Regional Tier-1 data center presence in San Antonio, Austin, and Dallas
Direct peering with all major carrier networks and content providers
Nexstream Hill Country Internet
Connected Community

Fiber as an Amenity

Fiber connectivity is considered essential by builders and homeowners alike, demonstrating a demand that will only grow in the future.

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Increase Property Value

Fiber connectivity has added over 6% to property values for many of our customers

High Bandwidth

4K TV is made for fiber Internet. With 8K on the horizon, slower connections will become obsolete


Consumers will have to upgrade their electronics long before upgrading their fiber connection

No More Internet Service Hunting

Immediate access to the fastest Internet speeds available plus local support eliminates hassle
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Resilient Technology

Benefits of Fiber Internet

No corrosion
No corrosion
Unaffected by water
Unaffected by water
No damage from lightning
No damage from lightning
Generates no heat
Generates no heat
Fiber Internet

Expandable Infrastructure

Fiber installation is an investment in the property itself, delivering connectivity that will be viable and secure well into the future.

Nexstream Hill Country Internet
Success Roadmap
Dig Once
After conduit is laid we won’t need to dig again
Future Development
An existing fiber network can easily be expanded as needed
High Capacity
Only fiber can support tomorrow’s broadband needs
Easy Upgrades
Unless there is damage from digging or demolition, we’ll never need to replace fiber lines
Nexstream Hill Country Internet
Tomorrow's Fixed Wireless

Gig+ Wireless

Our wireless frequencies are issued and protected by the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to deliver secure connectivity. Our spectrum-sharing model decreases interference and maximizes efficiency, providing a stable solution for extending fast and reliable Internet.

Our innovative hybrid solution is ideal for:
  • smart connected infrastructure
  • network continuity
  • emergency connectivity in the event of natural disasters or similar events
  • interim connectivity for fiber communities
Nexstream Hill Country Internet

A better Internet is waiting

Local support
Advanced security
Reliable connectivity